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sgl Member List
This is the complete list of members for sgl, including all inherited members.
- CompressionVendor enum name (defined in sgl)
- deleteUnusedDisplayLists()
- deleteUnusedTextureObjs()
- eCOMPRESSION_VENDOR_ARB enum value (defined in sgl)
- eCOMPRESSION_VENDOR_S3 enum value (defined in sgl)
- getDisplayList()
- getDLLHandle(const char *dll_name)
- getFuncPtr(void *dll, const char *func_name)
- getGLFuncPtr(const char *func_name)
- getMultiTexFunc(const char *type) (defined in sgl)
- getTextureObj()
- initialize(ostream *default_stream=&cout)
- multiTexCoord1dv (defined in sgl)
- multiTexCoord1fv (defined in sgl)
- multiTexCoord1iv (defined in sgl)
- multiTexCoord1sv (defined in sgl)
- multiTexCoord2dv (defined in sgl)
- multiTexCoord2fv (defined in sgl)
- multiTexCoord2iv (defined in sgl)
- multiTexCoord2sv (defined in sgl)
- multiTexCoord3dv (defined in sgl)
- multiTexCoord3fv (defined in sgl)
- multiTexCoord3iv (defined in sgl)
- multiTexCoord3sv (defined in sgl)
- multiTexCoord4dv (defined in sgl)
- multiTexCoord4fv (defined in sgl)
- multiTexCoord4iv (defined in sgl)
- multiTexCoord4sv (defined in sgl)
- nextPower2(unsigned int val)
- releaseDisplayList(GLuint dlist)
- releaseTextureObj(GLuint tex_obj)
- s_auto_mipmap_capable (defined in sgl)
- s_auto_mipmap_enable_flag (defined in sgl)
- s_clamp_to_edge (defined in sgl)
- s_fog_distance_capable (defined in sgl)
- s_initialized (defined in sgl)
- s_max_cube_map_texture_size (defined in sgl)
- s_max_lights (defined in sgl)
- s_max_prefetch_indices (defined in sgl)
- s_max_prefetch_vertices (defined in sgl)
- s_max_texture_lod_bias (defined in sgl)
- s_max_texture_max_anisotropy (defined in sgl)
- s_max_texture_size (defined in sgl)
- s_multisample_capable (defined in sgl)
- s_num_statelet_types (defined in sgl)
- s_num_stencil_bits (defined in sgl)
- s_num_texture_units (defined in sgl)
- s_occlusion_capable (defined in sgl)
- s_occlusion_enable_flag (defined in sgl)
- s_occlusion_result_flag (defined in sgl)
- s_point_default_fade_threshold (defined in sgl)
- s_point_default_size_max (defined in sgl)
- s_point_default_size_min (defined in sgl)
- s_point_parameters_capable (defined in sgl)
- s_rescale_normal (defined in sgl)
- s_stencil_dec_wrap (defined in sgl)
- s_stencil_inc_wrap (defined in sgl)
- s_texture_compression_capable (defined in sgl)
- s_texture_compression_vendor (defined in sgl)
- s_texture_cube_map_capable (defined in sgl)
- s_texture_env_add_capable (defined in sgl)
- s_texture_env_combine_capable (defined in sgl)
- s_texture_env_dot3_capable (defined in sgl)
- s_texture_lod_bias_capable (defined in sgl)
- s_texture_lod_capable (defined in sgl)
- sgl()
- void(APIENTRY *drawRangeElements)(GLenum, GLuint, GLuint, GLsizei, GLenum, const GLvoid *) (defined in sgl)
- void(APIENTRY *setActiveTextureUnit)(GLenum) (defined in sgl)
- void(APIENTRY *setClientActiveTextureUnit)(GLenum) (defined in sgl)
- void(APIENTRY *multiTexCoordFunc)(GLenum, const GLfloat *) (defined in sgl)
- void(APIENTRY *compressedTexImage2D)(GLenum, GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLint, GLsizei, const GLvoid *) (defined in sgl)
- void(APIENTRY *getCompressedTexImage)(GLenum, GLint, GLvoid *) (defined in sgl)
- void(APIENTRY *pointParameterf)(GLenum, GLfloat) (defined in sgl)
- void(APIENTRY *pointParameterfv)(GLenum, GLfloat *) (defined in sgl)
- ~sgl()
Generated at Mon Jul 1 18:00:10 2002 for SGL by
1.2.6 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
© 1997-2001