SGL Class Hierarchy
The class hierarchy is as follows (indentation indicates subclassing):
sglObject - name, user data, reference counting
sglNode - bounding sphere, parent list
sglGroup - interior nodes with child list
sglBillboard - a transform node that rotates to face viewer
sglCallback - performs a user defined callback during some phase
of traversal
sglDiscriminator - prune a traversal based on a bitmask test
sglLayer - ordered rendering for coplanar polygons without rendering
sglLOD - select a child based on range from the viewer
sglDistanceSwitch - select all or no children based on range from the viewer (a simplified version of sglLOD)
sglLODStateNode - affect the LOD range calculation (bias and offset)
for all sglLOD and sglDistanceSwitch nodes below this one in the tree
sglOrderedGroup - ensures the order in which the children are rendered.
sglScene - root of a scenegraph (traversals must begin here?)
sglSwitch - select a none, one or all children for further traversal
sglBitMaskSwitch - select a none, one or any subset of up to 32
children for further traversal
sglIndexedBitMaskSwitch - with an index select one of an array of
subsets of (up to 32) children for further traversal
sglAnimation - abstract base class for all animation nodes
sglKeyFrameAnimation - animation class where transitions are based
on the number of frames that have elapsed
sglTimedAnimation - animation class where transitions are based
on amount of time elapsed
sglScale - an SP or DP uniform scale node
sglTranslate - an SP or DP translate node
sglTransform - an SP or DP transform node
sglDefaultStateNode - specify default statelets for all sglDrawable
objects below (only affects those leaf nodes that do not explicitly specify
that statelet, and can be "overridden" by subsequent sglDefaultStateNodes
in the sub-tree below).
sglOverrideStateNode - specify override values for the statelets
contained within (only overridden by ancestor sglOverrideStateNode nodes
in the graph *ABOVE*).
sglUnProject - a node that transforms the current view matrix so
that objects below will appear on the near clip plane.
sglUnScale - a node that transforms the current view matrix such
that objects below are scaled to appear the same size no matter how far
in front of the near clip plane they are.
sglGeode - a leaf node that consists of a number of sglDrawable
sglLight - abstract base class for all types of lights (defines
the color components)
sglDirectionalLight - defines an "inifinite" light (parallel light
rays from a specified direction).
sglPositionalLight - defines a "local?" light at a specified position
with optional attenuation.
sglSpotLight - a positional light with spot light parameters (direction,
cutoff and exponent).
sglLightPoint - (future) currently in the proposal phase
sglViewPlatform - leaf node whose origin indicates the position
and orientation of an sglCamera (the view point)
sglCamera - abstract base class for all camera types, it encapsulates
the specification of the view frustum used for culling and rendering
sglOrthographicCamera - specifies an orthographic viewing volume
sglPerspectiveCamera - specifies a perspective viewing volume (frustum).
sglDrawable - abstract base class that enforces a pure virtual draw
function (all things that get selected for drawing by the cull traversal
must be subclassed from this); stores state (sglStatelets); an axis-aligned
bounding box; a parent sglGeode list
sglTextSet - contains a string to be rendered as a
bitmap (using sglBitmapFont).
sglTexturedTextSet - contains a string to be rendered
as a texture on a polygon face (using sglTextureFont).
sglInterleavedGeometry - one big array for all components (vertices,
colors, normal, and/or texcoords).
sglGeoSet - base class for all non-interleaved geometry specifications
which contains separate arrays for vertex, color, normal, and texcoord
sglPointSet -
sglLineSet -
sglTriangleSet -
sglQuadSet -
sglGeoStripSet -
sglLineStripSet -
sglTriangleFanSet -
sglTriangleStripSet -
sglQuadStripSet -
sglPolygonSet -
sglIndexedGeoSet - includes four separate indices into the vertex,
color, normal, and texcoord arrays.
sglIndexedPointSet -
sglIndexedLineSet -
sglIndexedTriangleSet -
sglIndexedQuadSet -
sglIndexedGeoStripSet -
sglIndexedLineStripSet -
sglIndexedTriangleFanSet -
sglIndexedTriangleStripSet -
sglIndexedQuadStripSet -
sglIndexedPolygonSet -
sglMonoIndexedGeoSet - includes a single index into the vertex,
color, normal, and texcoord arrays.
sglMonoIndexedPointSet -
sglMonoIndexedLineSet -
sglMonoIndexedTriangleSet -
sglMonoIndexedQuadSet -
sglMonoIndexedGeoStripSet -
sglMonoIndexedLineStripSet -
sglMonoIndexedTriangleFanSet -
sglMonoIndexedTriangleStripSet -
sglMonoIndexedQuadStripSet -
sglMonoIndexedPolygonSet -
sglBezierCurveSet -
sglBezierSurfaceSet -
sglStatelet - base class for elements of OpenGL state that is used
to affect the appearance of an sglDrawable
sglBooleanStatelet - base class for all statelets that are either
on or off
sglAlphaTest - set the glAlphaFunc parameters
sglBlending - set the glBlendFunc parameters
sglCullMode - off, front, back, or "front and back" face culling
sglFog - define the fog properties
sglLineStipple - define the line stipple pattern
sglLineWidth - define the width of lines
sglMaterial - define the material properties
sglOcclusionCull - enable occlusion culling (where supported)
sglPointParameters -
sglPointSize - define the point radius
sglPolygonOffset - define the scale and offset for depth buffer
sglPolygonStipple - define the polygon stipple pattern.
sglPolyStyle - define for point, line or fill modes
sglMultiTextureStatelet - support multitexturing
sglTexturingStatelet - abstract base class for texture related
statelets that could be applied to separate texturing units
sglTexture - define the texture properties
sglTexture1D - 1D textures
sglTexture2D - 2D textures
sglTextureCubeMap - Cube map textures
sglTexEnv - part of the sglTexture configuration (decal/modulate,
blend colors)
sglTexGen - part of the sglTexture configuration (automatic texcoord
generation configuration)
sglTextureMatrix - push a new matrix on the texture matrix stack
sglTransformationStatelet - only used internally to sort on matrix
sglLODState - affect the range calculation in an sglLOD node (this
should become an sglStatelet)
A number of classes are used in the traversal and state sorting processing:
sglRangeObject - used for transparency sorting
sglOcclusionObject - used for occlusion sorting
sglTraversalState - the actual traverser; contains a vector of statelets
defining the complete OpenGL state
sglStatsTraversalState - same as above, but with statistics collection
sglFullState - a complete vector of all statelets defining a complete OpenGL
sglCurrState - the current vector of statelets (during traversal)
sglDrawablePool - base class for user defined state sorting mechanism
sglUnsortedDrawablePool - traversals without state sorting.
sglSortedDrawablePool - with state sorting
sglObjPool - pool of objects used during sorting
sglView - a convenience class for fast prototyping (encapsulates a basic
traversal functionality).
Classes used in the intersect and pick traversals:
sglProbe - contains the intersect and probe specific enums
sglIntersect - maintains the traversal state for intersect (was sglSegSet)
sglPick (future) - maintains the traversal state for pick
A number of geometric math classes are also used (most are templated for
SP and DP versions):
sglPolytope - a set of planes
sglFrustum - a six-sided polytope generated from orthographic or perspective
view parameters
sglSphereBound - bounding sphere
sglBoxBound - bounding box
sglSegment - a directed segment (mainly for intersect traversals)
sglBitmapFont - for use with the sglText node
sglBitmapFontGLUT - wrapper for bitmap fonts in the GLUT library
sglBitmapFontGLX - wrapper for bitmap fonts built into GLX (X windows only)
sglBitmapFontWGL - wrapper for bitmap fonts built into Windoze (Micro$oft
Windoze only).
sglTextureFont - for use with the sglTexturedText node.